Tera Toll5th Grade and Middle School Counselor
I'm Mrs. Toll and I am the 5th grade and Middle School Counselor. I am excited for this school year. Some of the things we can work on in the counselor's office include:
- Providing short term, solution focused individual counseling
- Supports students' academic success
- Help students make and reach goals
- Help cope with personal conflicts
- Teach students to problem solve
- Guide students towards good choices
- Assist students in identifying their personal strengths.
I look forward to working with each and every student. Feel free to stop in anytime if you are looking for assistance.
I can be reached by email at or call 660-385-2189.
- What is a School Counselor?
- Services
- Curriculum
- Middle School Years
- Registration
- Study Skills and Tips for Academic Success
- Resources
- MMS Awards
- Bully Box
What is a School Counselor?
Did you know?
“Guidance Counselors” are a thing of the past and are now called “School Counselors”. Why? Because the title "Guidance Counselor" is very outdated. We may GIVE guidance, but we actually implement Comprehensive School Counseling Programs for ALL kids through the delivery of school counseling curriculum, individual student planning, and responsive services, along with system support activities. Our role has evolved enormously!
What is a School Counselor?
As a school counselor, I am an educator trained in school counseling, just as other educators are trained in
math, science, or language arts. My goal is to develop, implement, and evaluate a comprehensive school
counseling program designed to meet the needs of ALL students.
Counseling Services
Individual Counseling- Assistance provided to some students who may need help to overcome social
and/or emotional concerns that interfere with learning.
Group Counseling- A support group for students who share a common concern. Parent permission is
required to participate.
Classroom Lessons- All classroom lessons are taught with the intention to assist students with academic,
social-emotional, and career development. Elementary 5th grade lessons are taught within the Specials
rotation. Classroom lesson weeks are split between the school counselor and the library/tech rotation.
Middle School lessons are taught through push in times with other classroom teachers.
How can a student see the counselor?
- Students self referral
- Staff referral
- Parent referral- through calling or emailing
About Our School Counseling Program:
The Macon School Counseling program is a comprehensive program designed to help students with their
overall academic experience and to assist with personal growth. Students will work with the school counselor
through classroom lessons, small-group sessions, and individually as needed. Macon’s counseling program
gives students the opportunity to further their academic, social, and emotional development. The main goal
of the counseling program is to assist students in learning the skills and attitudes necessary to be successful
learners and productive citizens.
The rules of confidentiality for counselors are very different from those of teachers. Confidentiality is
important to maintain a trusting relationship with students. Students are told that what they tell Mrs. Toll is
private unless someone is hurting them, they are hurting themselves/others, or someone is in danger. Only
then will Mrs. Toll tell someone in order to ensure they are safe and receive the help they need. If a student
discloses information deemed crucial to a child's safety or well-being, the student is informed that his/her
parents must be notified.
Counseling Services are offered to address the needs and concerns of students whose personal circumstances are threatening to interfere with or are interfering with their
healthy academic, career, and personal/social development.Individual Counseling- school counselors provide counseling for students who are experiencing educational difficulties, personal concerns, or normal developmental tasks. They assist students in identifying problems, causes, alternatives, and possible consequences so that appropriate action can be taken. School counseling is not therapy services and individual counseling sessions are provided short term.
Group Counseling- school counselors provide small group counseling to students who need and will benefit from a small group setting to address their needs and concerns. Topics may include social skills, emotional management, friendship and relationship concerns, grief issues, self-esteem and study skills.
Crisis Intervention- school counselors offer assistance with crisis situations that arise including child abuse and neglect, family loss,
substance abuse, self harm and suicide thoughts.
School counselors curriculum consist of developmental activities presented through classrooms and large groups with the purpose to facilitate student’s optimum growth and development by assisting them to gain competencies that promote academic development, personal/social development, and career development. These activities are delivered through such strategies as:Structured Groups- school counselors conduct groups such as career days.
Classroom Presentations- school counselors teach and assist in teaching guidance activities in classroom in conjunction with teachers.
Activities Include:
- Career Awareness
- Self-Concept
- Conflict Resolution
- Personal Responsibilities
- Decision- making skills
- Substance Abuse Prevention
- Cross-cultural Understandings
- Study Skills
- Personal Plans of Study
Middle School Years
Early adolescents are slowly moving from seeking and meeting adult expectations to seeking and meeting their own expectations. As they move through the dependence of childhood to the independance that is expected of productive adults in our society, the new rights and responsibilities bring tension and disagreement between the students and the adults around them.
The most notable characteristic of the early adolescent is the physical growth that accompanies puberty. Sexual identity becomes part of the complex sorting out of childhood and adult expectations as they develop their new self-identity. Students are this age are usually focused of self throughout their period and tent o be introspective and very critical of each phase of their own development.
Friendships become very important and ten to be developed through shared activities. These grouping of students then phase into the stage of share identity-the seeking out of those most like their own self-perception. Students at this age are establishing the behaviors that will probably direct their actions for the next several years. It is important during this critical period to assist students in the formation of positive self-concepts, the development of self-responsibility in all aspects of their behavior and an awareness of stereotyping issues. Students also need to further develop their awareness of work and how their interests and abilities help them to make academic and career choices.
To register a new student to the Macon Middle School, please contact the Macon Middle School Office at 660-385-2189.The following items will be needed:
Proof of residency- office lease agreement, utility statement, or piece of official mail that includes the parents name and current address.
Student social security card and birth certificate- this may come from the previous school)
Current immunizations- this may also come from the previous school.
**Students will not be able to start school until school records are received from their previous school of attendance- this may take up to 5 business days.
Study Skills and Tips for Academic Success
- Attend School Every Day
- Eat Breakfast
- Get to class on time
- Keep an organized notebook with divider tabs for different subjects
- Take good notes in class and as questions
- Complete all classwork and homework assignments
- If absent, ask for make-up work upon returning to school or check google classroom
- Attend tutoring if you need extra help in your classes or find out when your teacher offers tutoring
- Check student portal for progress on your gradebooks to find out if you are missing any assignments
- Talk to or email your teacher to help you become successful in class and get specific information about your progress
More information about study skills, how to be successful in school and learning styles:
Information about organization, test taking, study skills, note taking, reading, writing, math and advanced thinking:
Community Resources- Macon County Area Resources
Articles Related to Middle School Issues:
My Middle School Student Won't Do Their Homework
Building Confidence in Your Teen
What Moms Need to Tell Middle School Girls About Friendship (this is a good resource for dads too!)
'Fortnite': Critical facts parents need to know about the hottest video game
Sleep in Middle and High School Students
How To Talk To Middle School Students-So They Will Listen
Middle School Help: 3 Parenting Tips for Middle School Parents
What to Expect in Middle School: Strategies for Changes
A Parents Guide to Sadfishing, Explained by a Teenager
Self-harm as a Teen- Here's What Parents Need to Know
How to Help Teenagers Develop Empathy
Seven ways to teach tweens to give to others without sacrificing themselves
School Refusal: children and teenagers
How to teach your middle schooler organizational skills
10 Tips to Help your Teen Sleep Better
Teens and Vaping: 5 Thing Parents Need to Know
How To Talk To Your Kids About Suicide (Age by Age Guide)
What to do when your child threatens suicide
Teens and Suicide: What parents should know
How Understanding Middle School Friendships Can Help Students with Ups and Downs
When Your Child Has Toxic Friendships: What to do
A Complete Guide to Potentially Dangerous Apps for Kids
MMS Awards
Robert A Wyatt Teaching Award |
* Established in 1994 in memory of Robert A. Wyatt, former administrator of Macon R-1 Middle School, for the outstanding Middle School Educator * Criteria – The recipient of this award must demonstrate the characteristics of the educator personified by Mr. Wyatt. The recipient should be dedicated to the education of ALL students, be willing to devote time to the middle school above and beyond the assigned duties, and demonstrate leadership qualities. In addition, the recipient should be professional in manner, well organized, and have an appropriate report with students, faculty, and staff. * For more information contact the counselor’s office |
Attendance Award | Students who have attended school with a 97% attendance rate are awarded attendance certificates from the Missouri State Senate. |
Courtesy Award |
One boy and one girl from grades six, seven, and eight receive a courtesy award. The courtesy award is given to students who show friendliness and respect toward students, teachers, and other employees of the school and should at all times demonstrate a polite and cooperative attitude. |
Citizenship Award | One boy or one girl in grades six, seven, and eight receive a citizenship award. The citizenship award is given to students who demonstrate involvement in school functions, are dependable, and have potential for effective future leadership. |
Sparkle Award | One boy or one girl in grades six, seven, and eight receive a citizenship award. The citizenship award is given to students who demonstrate involvement in school functions, are dependable, and have potential for effective future leadership. |
Ralph C. Smith Science Award | This award is given to an eighth grade student who has made outstanding progress in the area of science during hit/her sixth, seventh, and eighth grade school years while at Macon middle school. Students are selected and must complete an application to be reviewed and determined by a committee as the recipient. |
John Tate Science Award |
Established by the Maloney Family in honor of John Tate, a science teacher in the Macon School System. The award is given annually to a 6th grade student who shows an acute interest and love of science. Qualifications of this award are that a student must show a keen interest in science, be polite, courteous, and kind to fellow students. |
Presidential Academic Award | 8th grade student- Students are to earn a GPA of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale all through middle school as well as having received Advanced on one or more sections of the 7th grade MAP Testing. |
All "A" Honor Roll | 8th grade only – Students had to make the “A” honor roll all the way through 6th, 7th, & 8th grade. |
Academic Awards (Top 2) | Awards are given annually to the top two students in each subject area for each grade level in the middle school. |
Star Student Award | These awards recognize a student who arrive to class promptly, willingly participate in group activities, completes work promptly and are responsible and dependable. Positive attitude, student is motivated; makes good use of time in class, “B” average, is polite to others, is a good listener. Teachers select one boy and one girl per grade each month (October – May) for these awards. |
Mark Twain Readers and Truman Readers Award |
The Mark Twain Award Nominees are a collection of twelve books especially selected for grades 4-6, while the twelve Truman Award Nominees are especially selected for grades 6-8. Students need only read 4 books from either set to qualify as a voter for that particular award. If students wish to vote on both book awards, they must read 4 books from each set of nominees. Students receiving recognition at the end of the year must read ALL the Mark Twain Nominees or ALL the Truman Nominees. Students reading ALL books from BOTH sets of nominees will receive the book award in addition to a certificate. |
Reading Counts Points Award |
Reading Counts is a great way to motivate student reading. After students read a book, students answer ten questions from a computer-generated quiz. Students receiving recognition at the end of the year are as follows: Bronze - 300 points, Silver - 400 points - Gold - 500 points |
Various Student Awards |
Students receive awards or recognition from various other activities they have participated in:
Volunteer Award | Public members who volunteer their time at the Middle School are recognized. |
Bully Box
The bully box is a way for students to anonymously report incidents of bullying in our school. It is located in the hallway by the auditorium. You can report incidents of Bullying by filling out the form provided on the bully box or by contacting the building administrator.What is bullying?
A pattern of repeated behavior that is meant to hurt someone and has an imbalance of
power. Not every instance of mean behavior is bullying.
Bullying meets these criteria:
*One-sided- not teasing back and forth, not a two sided argument (conflict), one side has more power
*On purpose- planned on purpose, not an teasing incident turned hurtful
*Repeated- not a one time incident, name call or harassment
*Hurtful- can take 4 forms
- Physical- hitting, spitting, stealing, or damaging belongings
- Verbal- threats, lying to cause trouble, name- calling
- Psychological (friendship/social)- intimidation, social exclusion, spreading rumors
- Cyber- using electronic means to threaten, intimidate, exclude, or share inappropriate images of another person.
If it is not bullying, what is it? Use the chart below: